The Luojia Hill Achievements and Dreams

Reflecting upon the Second International Interdisciplinary Forum held by WhU

Date of release: 2015-01-05, from the official Wuhan University newspaper, item number: 6197

Reporter: Li Lin

Among the aspirations of WhU, the most important are a vigorous promotion of the University, continuous efforts towards making it one of the best worldwide universities, while maintaining a Chinese specific, global thinking and the recruitment of top level staff. These aspirations are set on the globalization trend the University is following.

Between December 29th and 30th 2014, WhU held the second session of the international interdisciplinary forum aimed at promoting academic research and attracting a world of excellence. More than 90 youth scientists from the United States, Canada, Australia, France and other 17 countries and regions, came to the Luojia Hill to inject new vitality into the century old school.

Academic exchange

Among the participants we number Prof. Wang Zhengping, member of the Academy of Sciences and the Chinese National Academy of Engineering, academicians Li Deren, Dean of the College of medicine Deng Zixin and Changjiang Scholar professor Lei Aiwen. Foreign academicians, such as Prof. Toshihiko showcased the most advanced research results, highlighting the importance of promoting the development of interdisciplinary research.

The previous year’s forum, not only has invited well-known academicians, experts and scholars, but also provided rich content and profound academic activities, according to the different subject areas, divided into 22 sub forums.

After a rigorous screening of the 650 applicants, 90 delegates were chosen, most of them from MIT, Columbia, Princeton and other overseas Universities. Of these, 13 participants were high officials in overseas faculties.

With a large range of topics and multiple academic platforms, young scholars from different academic backgrounds engaged in face-to-face communication and discussion on the latest international cutting-edge technology and hot research fields. This was by far an academic feast.

The forum included basic science and applied science research content, as well as the latest achievements in the application fields covering the main aspects of the current science and technology development. The participants discussing key basic research projects and cutting-edge technology pledged to cooperate in carrying out comprehensive, cross cutting research.

French national health and health research postdoctoral Xiao Fei told reporters: "I study the spread of hepatitis C virus in the cells of the human body. My research has a lot in common with the research undergone by other few teachers here. The overlapping scientific fields can join to help developing new ideas and different approaches."


The perfect organization benefited this forum’s session. WhU’s Human Resources Department efforts to publish advertisements in the world famous website, to open the online application, to screen the CVs of the participants, to organize work meetings, etc. reflected in both the number and the quality of the applicants.

After the end of the first cross disciplinary forum, about 17 scholars decided to join WhU. The young scientists accounted for 1/4 of the total number of participants. The previous success, make the cross disciplinary forum one of the top school recruitment tools the University has in place for overseas talents and a true WhU branding project. The number of applicants increased from 276 to 650 people, while the number of participants rose from 67 to 97.

Compared with the last session, the promotion and advertising efforts were targeted at the non Chinese scholars attending the meeting. The University in addition to advertising in the thousand talents plan network, and other traditional Chinese websites, cooperated with the famous British talent recruitment website Their cooperation achieved remarkable results. Non Chinese scholars applying numbered only 2 for the first forum. This number rose to 110 people. After the screening, 2 foreign scholars were invited to take part.

The Frenchman Benua (Benoit Mayer) is a postdoctoral fellow at the National University of Singapore, has made no secret of his yearning for Luojia Hill: "has the very high level of scientific research and awareness in what concerns the international law. I look forward to working here, and exchange Chinese scholars."

In addition, the forum has redesigned the registration system and increased the automatic material transfer function. Upon submitting the application, the documents will be automatically forwarded to the College (Department) and to the Human Resources Department, so that the two units timely organize their expert assessment. After processing the documents, the College (Department) issuing its decision greatly improves work efficiency.

This conference had a total of 22 sub forums, each sub forum undertaken by a specific College (Department). This structure provides refinement, increasing interactive exchange among applicants and targeting the recruitment with better accuracy.

The dream of success

"Wuhan University has thirst after talents for a long time. It is our determination to eagerly seek and welcome overseas talents and alumni to come to the University and build up this establishment!" Executive vice president Feng Youmei's said in his inspiring speech.

The measures taken in this respect are: providing support for team building, providing access to research funding, implementing proper remuneration and benefits to improve the living conditions. The University makes continuous efforts to introduce new talent in an environment of care and support, building a business platform, to provide warm and thoughtful service.

Many scholars have expressed their intention to play a part in the development of Wuhan University. The USA University of Minnesota postdoctoral Li Jing alumni said, returning to his alma mater and contributing to its development is a very strong desire.

Qian Guian researcher at the Swiss National Institute is determined to make his contribution to the National Nuclear Power Industry and regards Wuhan University as a platform to achieve this goal: "the domestic nuclear power subject is in rapid a development stage. The support given by the University for young scholars is also great. I hope that through the study of nuclear power, we can address air pollution problems confronting China at present, while at the same time finding the intrinsic value for this research topic."

American assistant from the New York State University, researcher Zhu Qiang, declared enormously proud of one's success: "I hope to set up their own work team in the military, the use of multi discipline platform, new material design and drug discovery."

The Forum was not only a mean to achieve the University’s recruitment dream, but also to provide overseas talents with a realistic comprehension of the "China dream " and enable personal development providing a rare opportunity. "As Chinese, to make one’s voice heard in the world and then return to promote the development of the academia and the country is the best choice. Wuhan University set up a suitable platform for us to return." Columbia University researcher, Hao Yufeng said.

Wuhan University thirst for talents, the cultivation of talents, the talent pool environment and talent incentive mechanism, showcases the glory and the dream of the society while assisting more young scholars.

(Editor: Fu Xiaoge)

Updated the 12 of January 2015
