Current Staff

WHU's Human Resources Departmentis responsible for the management of WHU's staff, both academic and non-academic. Currently WHU has 1,139 professors, 1,258 Associate professors and 3,639 full time faculty members and 4,362 staff members. The Office of Human Resources is one of the most important departments of the University, planning and managing the University’s personnel and future staff recruitment. It also offers comprehensive HR services to all faculty and staff.

apart from recruitment and training, are: personnel assessment for the test period, mobile deployment of staff of all categories, the appointment and management of policy implementation and staff, the approval of the appointment and removal of the duties of the deputy director of the internal bodies of two units, the university annual assessment work, faculty rewards, compensations and cuts, all types of notarization, work permits and insurance issues. The HR of WHU is also responsible for the training of non-teaching staff, the technical level assessment and appointment of workers and the training of departmental managers. The university academic degrees inventory is also part of our workload. Research funding and related issues are managed by the HR of WHU. Staff interested in research funds is expected to contact us for details.

Updated March the 15th 2013