Our school in Chinese Higher Education Association "Future Plan" Interim Review

Published: 2013-12-24

The 17th of December, the Chinese higher education society "Future Plan" mid-term review was held in Wuhan University. The Chinese Higher Education Association, Professor Qu Zhenyuan, deputy director of China Association of higher education, the academic committee professor Liu Xianjun of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, deputy director of the Hubei Institute of higher education, Professor Zhang Anfu, Vice Chancellor of Wuhan University of Technology, researcher Ye Zhihong, deputy secretary Chinese Institute of Higher Education and Scientific Research, researcher Liu Qingchun, Hubei Education Institute, Chinese Institute of higher education, Associate Dean for academic affairs Fan Xiaoxian and other experts and leaders attended the meeting. The meeting chaired by Professor Qu Zhenyuan ,of the Chinese Higher Education Association and deputy secretary general, Ye Zhihong have discussed the Plan’s key requirements.

On the meeting, responsible for the issue, our school Party Committee Organization Department Director, researcher, Zhao Xuemei reported "overseas high-level talent import policy and practice research" (11ZD0013) focusing on research groups, the research process, research interview data analysis as well as the topic active support. The report is the result of 2 years of study, more than a dozen research published results and the draft report, covering the history of overseas talents, experience, present situation analysis, policy recommendations. The experts discussed the policy effect in practice, compared with typical case analysis of overseas talents, talents policy, stating their evaluation opinions.

President Qu Zhenyuan pointed out at the meeting that the "Future Plan" is an important measure for the Chinese Association of Higher Education to promote higher education and research activities. The speaker emphasized the need for good, basic research in colleges. In the expert’s opinion, the plan improves research in what concerns both the quality and the quantity.

It is understood that "the attraction of overseas high-level talents and research boost" is the key project of the Chinese Association of Higher Education. The project is supported by Wuhan University, Nanjing University, Zhongshan University, Beijing Normal University, Northeastern University, involving more than 600 sub-projects and the participation of 108 departments, on more than 30 key topics.

Updated: December the 25th, 2013
