Chemistry Makes It in Top 100

ESI world academic ranking scores Wuhan Chemistry Department 97Source Wuhan University News Bulletin (

The Essential Science Indicators database (ESI) displayed Wuhan University Chemistry Department into the top 1% of the discipline rankings 1111 units, on the No. 97th position.

Chemistry at WhU is for the first time in top 100, and also the first Department at WhU to enter top 100.

The release of ESI rankings is based on the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) statistics issued between the 1st of January, 2003 and the 31st of August, 2013. The ranking reflects the SCI, SSCI papers and citation data, establishing the ranking according to the total number of papers cited. According to the statistics, the Chemistry Department’s papers published during this period number 3878, the number of cited papers amounts to 47111, the citation number is 12.15.

ESI for the United States and the Thomson Reuters Healthcare "Essential Science Indicators" ( Essential Science Indicators) is commonly used to evaluate today's universities and research institutions in what concerns the international academic standards, being noted as an important indicator of impact. Being ranked in the top 1%, acknowledges the Chemistry Department’s high level academic standard by international ranking points.

(Editor: Xiao Shan)

Updated November the 11th 2013
