WHU’s Latest International Interdisciplinary Forum

Wuhan University announces a new session of the International Interdisciplinary Forum, which aims to provide a collision of ideas and set up the basis of academic exchange platforms for young scholars at home and abroad. The focus of the forum will be the promotion of interdisciplinary and collaborative innovation ideas, planning the future development of research collaboration. The Wuhan University led the "Geo-Spatial Information Science Collaborative Innovation Center", which is protecting "the country's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests, and provides a set up for the collaborative innovation center". The Judicial Civilization Collaborative Innovation Center was selected for the national innovation ability promotion plan among colleges and universities (the "2011 Plan"). The latest efforts of WHU have also been recognized. Among these, the formation of a number of interdisciplinary research institutions such as the Institute of Medical Research and the hard work to build a high starting point for academic research in general was particularly acknowledged. These efforts target the young scholars at home and abroad. We sincerely welcome the overseas youth gathered on Luojia Hill, to contribute their ideas during this event.

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Contact: Cai Rui e-mail:ruicai@whu.edu.cn

Updated the 5th of December 2014
