The High Level Talent Programs Show Their First Fruits

Published :2014 -01-08 Correspondents Liu Xiaohui and Zhou Xiaolin Source: Department of Human Resources

Wuhan University went through the Project Development Assessment at the end of 2013. The Assessment identified an impressive number of academic achievements: 334 research projects, 292 million RMB total project funding, the first or corresponding author of 893 papers, 394 SCI papers, 34 monographs, 46 domestic and foreign patents. 64 young teachers passed their individual examination.

Passing the Assessment was one important milestone in the evaluation of the current talent programs. It was the first ever assessment of "Yangtze River Scholar", "Chutian Scholarships" and "351 Talent Program Participants". The results showed outstanding results for all three talent projects.

Academic achievements. Invited Professor Zhou Xiang undertook research in 9 projects, receiving a total of 54979600 RMB. He published in top international Chemistry Journals such as: J Am Chem Soc, Angew Chem Int Ed, Chem Commun SCI, a number of 57 papers with an impact factor of more than 5 and a total of 19 high level theses. Luojia professor Ding Sixin is the first author or corresponding author in 25 published papers, 16 papers have been included in CSSCI. Luojia young scholar Wang Jianbo in the field of SCI has 32 published articles, in peer reviewed journals including Physical Review Letters, Advanced Materials and other top journals.

WuDa professors are devoted to teaching. Changjiang Scholar professor Chen Chuanfu was awarded "Hubei Famous " distinction. Two of his doctoral students received the "National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award" nomination, the teaching of "Introduction to bibliography" was selected as a "national excellent resources sharing class". Young scholar Xiao Chunxia guided graduate students into obtaining the Ministry of education doctoral academic award, and successfully coached 4 undergraduate students who have eventually received "Hubei Province outstanding undergraduate thesis” award.

Optic Innovations. The young Luojia scholar Shen Yin first discovered the missing congenital stationary night blindness model mechanism of TRPM1 channel, a new mechanism based on the protein ion channel, in the absence of CSNB. She published in PNAS high impact factor journals. Some papers were cited more than 200 times. Luojia Professor Gong Wei took the lead in the successful development of a multispectral earth observation laser radar and infrared ground-based differential CO2 laser radar. International well-known experts had given a high evaluation to these innovative achievements.

Focus on international exchanges. Luojia young scholar Li Yinghua was the first to use systematic method of French archaeological technology in China, and had become a member of the French National Institute for Laboratory Research. He was invited international among other famous Paleolithic archaeologists by the French academician Eric Boëda to keep a lecture. Luojia professor Ruan Jiangjun attended 8 international academic conferences since his appointment. He published 16 papers and 4 conference proceedings.

Dedicated service to the community. Luojia professor Yuan Yinchuan was awarded the "Chinese Social Science Award". He acted for many years as a reviewer, editor and author of numerous papers.

According to Report, the development of high-level talent assessment can only strengthen Wuhan University’s personnel building efforts. This evaluation produces comprehensive results, paying more attention to representative achievements. The judges, which are from various disciplines, and the scientists evaluated, interact promoting interdisciplinary projects.

(Editor: Fu Xiao Song)

Updated January the 14th 2014
