Publishing Journal

Under supervisionof the Administration of Press and Publication of Hubei province,Publishing Journalis sponsored by Editors Society of Hubei Province, and published by School of Information and Management, Wuhan University. It is a source journal for CSSCI, a national core Chinese journal, a core Chinese academic journal of Research Center for Chinese Science Evaluation (RCCSE), a major reprinting source journal for Reprinted Information Center of Renmin University, and a honored journal of Hubei province.

Based on Hubei province,Publishing Journalorients its publications to the country as a whole, providing both a stage for the studies of publishing and editing, and a sensible guidance to the practice of both fields. Laying equal emphasis on both theory and practicability, it introduces and summarizes experiences of publishing and editingbooks, journals, audio-video products, as well as of electronic publishing and online publishing, contributing to both theoretical studies and disciplinary development of publishing and editing.

Publishing Journalis a bimonthly journal. Domestic issue number: CN 42-1618/G2; international issue number: ISSN 1009-5853. Domestic post subscription code: 38-439. Subscribers abroad can subscribe via China International Book Trading Corporation. Office phone of editorial department: 027-68753799, and post office is another accessible means for subscription. Official website: We sincerely welcome your contribution and subscription.

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